Are you plugged into Amaretto?


Hey guys its Monday again big shouts to all my Fathers out there hope everyone enjoyed the weekend! I also hope you remembered to pick of those Special and Limited Editions. I wanted to take a few moments today to talk to you about your role in the Amaretto Community.

Now, I know you are sitting there thinking role? What are you talking about Ava? Well let me explain. Since the opening of A.R.U. I have noticed its hard to get you guys to go to the classes and learn about our products. Yet everyday I still see people in the main group asking how to do this or that. I want to encourage and inspire you to become involved with Amaretto and the many things that we do for you our customers, community, and family!

ARU Classes: There are classes weekly at the University sim, they don’t last long and you can really learn something you didn’t know.

Question and Answer times with CSR’s: Almost daily you will see a notice from an Amaretto staff member holding mini questions and answer times that you may attend.

Monthly and Weekly Events: Thats right every Saturday at 5 o’clock we get together and have a little fun down at Club Amaretto. There are also 2 other events planned each month, so check the calendar!

AMOC Meetings: Meetings held monthly with designated officers that you can take your suggestions, concerns, and just talk shop with.

Amaretto Forums: Theres a whole big forum out there where you can ask and answer each others questions.

Not to mention the endless supply of Amaretto owned groups, facebooks, and twitters out there!

Are you participating in these things? I hope so! It is why we spend hours planning such events and gatherings. It’s to bring you the customer closer to Amaretto and Amaretto close to you. Often I like to say how we are one big family! When you are plugged in you know about the latest and greatest things happening at Amaretto. I do hope to see you at the next Amaretto hosted event or class at ARU!


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