Hello Everyone! In previous Customer Connections we have mentioned a special graduation being planned for all our Amaretto Ranch University students who have finished all of our classes, well… that day is getting closer! In preparation for this big event we are now accepting application For ARU Graduation! To submit an application for graduation please complete the following steps:

1. Be sure you have registered for the ARU Website

(see this blog for information on how to register http://amarettobreedables.com/connection/?p=3977 )

2. Be sure you have attended all ARU classes and turned in notecards for attendance

3. Create a Notecard

4. Name the Notecard –Application For Graduation (Your Full SL name)

5. Visit the ARU sim and drop your application for graduation in the mail box in the courtyard
Once she receives your notecard, your class attendance will be verified through our website. (make sure you register!) If you have all your classes and your application is accepted you will be contacted in world.
The graduation is going to be an event you will not want to miss out on! We have special gifts for our graduates! No, I can’t tell you what it is! Please be sure you have attended all ARU classes. All Horse, K9, Bird, and Combo classes must have been completed and a notecard turned in for each class to verify attendance. Also, be sure you have registered on the ARU website so your class attendance can be logged. Lastly, get that Application for Graduation in!!


Happy Learning and breeding!


Until next time…..


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