Terrific Tuesday Newness!

Hey guys its a terrific Tuesday! What’s new at Amaretto?
Let me be the first to show you the brand new eye that hit the grid today!
Introducing the new eye for this month and the second in our line of Awareness eyes!
The Autism Awarness eyes!
Here is a picture below

You can have a chance at one of these exciting Non-Starter eyes as they are randomly dropped into bundles at the time the bundle drops. Your horse needs to be version 3.5 and higher for this eye to drop!

This eye represents Awareness for Autism you can read more about it here:



Also released on the first was a brand new k9 eye! This eye comes from the line of zodiac eyes!

Aries Diamond

Here is a picture below:

You can have a chance at one of these exciting Non-Starter eyes as they are randomly dropped into kennels at the time the kennel drops. Your k9 needs to be version 1.5 and higher for this eye to drop.
These eyes CAN be passed on.

Well I wish you good luck with your bundles, kennels, and nest today! Happy Breeding all this is Ava over and out!


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