Hey guys its Monday again! Seems like it keeps coming every week 🙁

Well hope everyone is staying warm and dry as the weather changes!

So I wanted to talk about something that someone suggested I talk about.

Have you played fetch with your K-9 lately?? Does it seem like that the ball just keeps going and going??

Well did you know you can change the range on the ball?? Just wear the ball and simply click on it to adjust the range, which will control how far the ball will go!

Also a little reminder I have been posting videos lately here is one for how to use the K9 hud http://amarettobreedables.com/videos/7/9/amaretto-k9-hud

and another on how to cash in haven points!     http://amarettobreedables.com/videos/7/8/how-to-use-horse-haven-points

So check both of those out and if you have a suggestion on a how to video send me a nc in world and I will get right on it!!

So happy breeding everyone until next time!


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