Amaretto was busy in the past 2 weeks with the check presentations to the different charities that received donations from the in-world fundraiser that was so successful! Most of the team were able to go and present checks in person at the 4 different charities.  This was the best part for all of us as the Team each got to see the locations first hand and even meet some of the children that will benefit from the donations.  If you go to the Amaretto Social Engine website and click the Blogs section a Team member that visited each location has blogged there about their visit and posted a picture. To see more pictures of the locations and presentations you can also click the Albums section and go to the Autism photos album and find more pictures there.  Josaphine also made sure to post all this exciting stuff on the official Amaretto Ranch Breedables Facebook page, be sure to click over and check that page out too.

I personally hope that the entire community takes a look at these pictures and pauses for a moment to smile to themselves and think, “Wow, I made a difference and that feels really good!”



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