Hey everyone!! Hope you are having a great weekend!! I am sending out a final call for your nominees for the first Amaretto Breeders Choice Awards!!
We need you guys to nominate your peers and each other for the following categories:


Best Auction House
Best Breedable Market
Best Third Party Product
Best Amaretto Collection
Favorite Trend-setter Horse
Best Auctioneer
Most Creative Breeder
Most Helpful Breeder
Best Comedic Breeder
Biggest Spammer Award

There are a lot of great people and breeders out there if you know one please take the time to nominate them so that we can give them a little recognition at our big birthday celebration! So please get the nc from the award located at all Amaretto locations or from the group notices. Put your partner, your friend, your baby momma whoever you think deserves to be recognized and drop and drag it back in the award!

Once we receive all the nominations we can start the voting! So don’t be shy and get those nominee notecards turned in you might be the first ever to win a Amaretto Breeders Choice Award!
Read all about it


We will be tallying up the nominees and the ones with the most nominations will be placed on the ballot for voting via our website. Unfortunately not all nominated will be on the ballot, only the top five with the most nominations in each category. So get those nominations in while you can cause we will be setting up the voting tomorrow, Monday Aug 5th.

Thanks and Happy Breeding!!



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