How to become a winner!

Howdy to all my breeder friends out there! Hope you are all having a great day! I know its Tuesday and Linden Labs can give us a run for our money with the rolling restarts!

I wanted to take a few moments to tell you how you can win some fabulous prizes at the Amaretto’s 3rd Birthday!


What are these fabulous prizes?? Well I can tell you that but I can tell you how you can win one!

The requirements to win at Amaretto’s 3rd Birthday are pretty simple all you have to do is be a member of the main group or the multi language group.

How can you join the group?
That’s pretty simple you can go to any Amaretto location and use the group joiner!

Here is what the group joiner looks like in world!


So winners at Amaretto’s 3rd Birthday will be randomly chosen from members of the Multi Language and the Main Amaretto Ranch Breedables goup!
You do not have to be online to win but do have to be in the group.

Also please get all your votes in for the breeders choice awards we will be closing voting on Friday at 8 PM SLT! So vote, vote, vote!!!
Happy breeding everyone I hope to see you at Amaretto’s 3rd Birthday where will announce the winners of the Breeders Choice Awards!

This is Ava over and out!!! Happy breeding everyone!


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