Category : K9 Information

Perpetual Puppy For Spayed/Neutered K-9s

Hello all…. I am going to go over all information about the Perpetual Puppy certificates that are now available for spayed or neutered Amaretto Breedable K-9s ….. Below is a list of important need to knows….

**ONE Perpetual Puppy Gift Certificate per ONE K-9**

The Perpetual Puppy makes the Spayed or Neutered K-9 so that it will not require food any more.

All other normal functions for a SPAYED OR NEUTERED K-9 will still operate normally.

Hover text will say Pet instead of Spayed or Neutered.

This ONLY works for Spayed or Neutered K-9s

(Spay or Neutered K-9 = a K-9 that is 126 days old or greater)

Can be used for both male and female Retired K-9s.

**The Perpetual Puppy Certificates will be sold in all Amaretto Store locations**

Although the certificates are transferable, they MUST be turned in by the PURCHASER ONLY. The reason this is a requirement is because every certificate is checked against our transaction data base. Once a certificate is redeemed by the PURCHASER it is marked as Redeemed and becomes void. The reason we have the certificate as transferable is so the purchaser may pass the certificate to Jaymee Caproni for redemption. Again, please remember, the certificates CAN NOT be purchased and transferred to another avatar for redemption. I will not be able to redeem the certificate, and it will be returned.


After purchase of the Perpetual Puppy

Please place the Certificate AND the Spayed or Neutered K-9 you wish to be your Pet in a folder named “Perpetual Puppy <your sl name>”

Send the folder to Jaymee Caproni (MEEEEE )

I will work my magic and return the K-9 to you in a folder named “Perpetual Puppy from Jaymee Caproni”

PLEASE follow these instructions so that the process goes as smoothly as possible.


Also, please remember….

The Perpetual Puppy is an OPTION…. You can continue to feed your spayed or neutered K-9s pet food. That option has not changed.

I hope this has cleared up some questions… until next time

Until Next time …………

Puppy Paradise

Happy Hump Day Everyone ! I decided today I would talk to you about Puppy Paradise

Puppy Paradise is a great place to pick up some of those much needed consumables for your K-9s or a gorgeous Dalmation to add to your pack! You can always go to the Haven sim and check your Kennel Cash balance so you know what you have to spend!!

How to Gain Points By Sending Your K-9 to Puppy Paradise: Simply click your K-9, click settings, click Puppy Paradise, then click yes. The number of Kennel Cash you received from the K-9 is posted in local chat. Kennels may be sent to Puppy Paradise without birthing.


How to Use your Kennel Cash: Simply go to the any of our store locations and find the Puppy Paradise Vendor, Click the start button on the bottom right of the vendor. Your current amount of Kennel Cash will be displayed in local chat. After clicking the Start button and reviewing your Kennel Cash balance you have 60 seconds of reserved time to make a selection from the vendor. Once you have made your selection you will need to agree to spending that many points on that item. If you agree you will then receive your item from the vendor and the Kennel Cash will be deducted from your Puppy Paradise account. To make another purchase simply do it again. The Puppy Paradise Kennel Cash Reward system will Reward you for your K-9s in the following way:
0-10= 100 Kennel Cash
11-20=200 Kennel Cash
21-30=300 Kennel Cash
31-40=400 Kennel Cash
41-50=500 Kennel Cash
51-60=600 Kennel Cash
61-70=700 Kennel Cash
71-80=800 Kennel Cash
81-90=900 Kennel Cash
91-100=1000 Kennel Cash
101-110=1100 Kennel Cash
111-119=1200 Kennel Cash
120-125=1300 Kennel Cash
126 and older(Retired K-9s): 1400 Kennel Cash

Here we have the costs in Kennel Cash for the items Currently Available from the vendor (all items are subject to change without notice including prices and availability)
Amaretto Brand K-9 Pet Kibble & Water/Four Pack (Box) 16000
Amaretto Brand K-9 Mega Woof Vitamins Single (Box) 10000
Amaretto Brand K-9 Puppy Love Pill Single (Box) 8000
Amaretto Brand K-9 Vaccination Single (Box) 6000
Amaretto Brand K-9 Zing (K-9 Cola) Single (Box) 4000
Amaretto Brand K-9 Rawhide Lollipop Single (Box) 4000
Amaretto Brand K-9 Treats Five (Box) 4000


Today I would like to talk about the Amaretto K-9s. We have some new and exciting things coming this year for our K-9s. Yes Yes I know I tell you new things are coming but I will not tell you what….That is how we work at Amaretto, we like surprises!

We have many different K-9s from coats to collars to eyes and you can make lots of different combinations with them. You can play fetch or just have them chase you around the yard. They are the perfect addition to your breedable family. I would like to say that most people that have not tried the K-9s really do not know what they are missing. The wolves are a favorite of many people as well as are the Enchanted. I challenge you all to just give it a try go out and get even just one K-9 and see how much fun they can really be!

Amaretto Horses started out in Sept of 2010 less then a year later the Amaretto K-9s were released and now coming soon we have the Amaretto Barnyard Birds. One question I have heard some ask is “are they going to stop updating the horses” Answer to that is a simple No. All of our creations here at Amaretto are done out of Love and we want our community to enjoy the items that we create.

So in closing of my connection for the day I would like to say if you have any suggestions on things you the community would like to see in our products feel free to file a support ticket and put the subject line as Attention Richie, I would love to hear your suggestions or even comments about your experience with the CSR team.

Until Next Week Happy Breeding 🙂

Let’s Get Happy

I’m sure everyone knows that horses/K-9′s fervor will only rise if your horse/k-9 is awake and above 75% happiness. Now there are many ways to increase the happiness of your breedable.


Let’s start with Horses:


1. Riding a horse over age 7 can help increase its happiness


2. Use salt licks, rezzing out a salt lick with your food will make your horses happier. This stat booster gives a 1% increase in happiness over time. One Salt Lick last 2 horses 2 weeks.


3. Sugar cubes, when used give your horse a 15% increase to the happiness though you can only give this consumable to them once in a 24 hour period.


4. Amaretto Cocktail- This wonderful little concoction is just what your horse wants to feel happy and ready to start producing bundles by raising energy, happiness, and fervor by 5% and decreasing hunger and thirst by 5% ensuring that your horse can stay up late with his favorite mare! Note that again this consumable can only be given once every 24 hours.


Now K-9’s:


1. You can increase the happiness of you K-9 by using your HUD and playing with your K-9. Always remember that your K-9 will not start to gain fervor until they are 7.


2. Use a Chew Toy, rezzing out a chew toy with your food will make your K-9′s happier. This stat booster gives a 1% increase in happiness over time. One Amaretto Brand Chew Toy last 2 K-9’s 2 weeks.


3. Rawhide Lollipop, when used gives your K-9 a 15% increase to the happiness though you can only give this consumable to them once in a 24 hour period.


4. Mega Woof Vitamins This wonderful little concoction is just what your K-9 wants to feel happy and ready to start producing kennels by raising energy, happiness, and fervor by 5% and decreasing hunger and thirst by 5% ensuring that your K-9 can stay up late with his favorite gal! Note that again this consumable can only be given once every 24 hours.


Happiness does naturally go down while the horse/K-9 is sleeping but will come back up while it’s awake. Sometimes for whatever reason you may have a stubborn horse/K-9 that doesn’t want to get happy or its fervor go up once its happy ( fervor can only rise once its age 7 ) if this happens just submit a ticket and send that horse/K-9 on in so we can give it a checkup ( re-rezzing sometimes also fixes this ).

Hello all…. I am going to go over all information about the Forever Foal and Perpetual Puppy certificates that are now now available for retired Amaretto Breedable horses and K9s ….. Below is a list of important need to knows….

**ONE  Forever Foal Gift Certificate per ONE Horse**   **ONE  Perpetual Puppy Gift Certificate per ONE K9**

The Forever Foal/Perpetual Puppy makes the Retired horse/K9 so that it will not require food any more.

All other normal functions for a RETIRED horse/K9 will still operate normally.

Hover text will say Pet instead of Retired.

This ONLY works for Retired horses/K9s

(Retired Horse= a horse that is 120 days old or greater  Retired K9= a K9 that is 126 days old or greater )

Can be used for both male and female Retired horses/K9s.

**The Forever Foal and Perpetual Puppy Certificates will be sold in all Amaretto Store locations**

Although the certificates are transferable, they MUST be turned in by the PURCHASER ONLY. The reason this is a requirement is because every certificate is checked against our transaction data base. Once a certificate is redeemed by the PURCHASER it is marked as Redeemed and becomes void. The reason we have the certificate as transferable is so the purchaser may pass the certificate to Jaymee Caproni for redemption. Again, please remember, the certificates CAN NOT be purchased and transferred to another avatar for redemption. I will not be able to redeem the certificate, and it will be returned.


After purchase of the Forever Foal/Perpetual Puppy

Please place the Certificate AND the Retired horse/K9 you wish to be your Pet in a folder named “Forever Foal <your sl name>” for horses and “Perpetual Puppy <your sl name>” for K9s

Send the folder to Jaymee Caproni. (MEEEEE )

I will work my magic and return the horse/K9 to you in a folder named “Forever Foal from Jaymee Caproni” for horses or “Perpetual Puppy from Jaymee Caproni” for K9s

PLEASE follow these instructions so that the process goes as smoothly as possible.


Also, please remember….

The Forever Foal/Perpetual Puppy is an OPTION….

If you do not want to purchase it, Don’t. You can continue to feed your retired horses/K9s pet food

That option has not changed.

I hope this has cleared up some questions… until next time

Until Next time …………

Hey everyone!! Well another Monday has approached us hope everyone enjoyed the weekend! Lots of exciting things been happening at Amaretto. Just a quick reminder that the Valentines limited edition horses and special edition k9’s are still for sale. Go pick up yours today if you haven’t already! Also dont forget that Mrs. Karrie is hosting the fervor ball tomm night a formal event for all you guys and gals to attend!

I wanted to take a few minutes to revisit a issue that Ive seen a few times lately, I have gotten a few tickets about horses being misshaped. If this happens to you dont freak out! You dont even have to file a ticket there is a easy fix you can do your self. All you have to do is turn movement on and the horse will correct itself, once its fixed you can turn movement back off.

Also another thing to be aware of, is kennels with sunrise or sunset being born you will have to file a ticket on these, if you do not want to birth them you can hold on to the them until you are ready and we will fix them at that time.

I hope that i have saved a few of you some time and confusion! I hope everyone is has a good week and happy breeding!

Hello everyone today I would like to talk about what to do if your Valentines Day K-9 becomes deformed or starts saying arbitrary numbers in chat. We have corrected the issue that caused this but in order to fix this issue in your K-9 that has done this you need to file a ticket on it.( K-9s bark not speak numbers 😛 )below this post is an example picture of the deformity that can happen if your K-9 is affected. Symptoms include Floating ears and your K-9 has a urge to spam a random arbitrary number into local. So if your K-9’s have these symptoms please file a ticket at and they will send them back to you as good as new


Some Important Advise

First, it is important to talk about purchases made from Amaretto.


When you first purchase your new starters or any special LE’sor SE’s from Amaretto, It is very Important that once you birth them, give them a name. This will help us to find any horses/k-9’s that maybe didn’t birth properly for you. It is really almost impossible to find your horses/ k-9’s when they are all named Amaretto breedable horse/ K-9. Please remember to try and name all of your horses and k-9’s something different. If you have to, use numbers in the name.


Also your transaction history is very Important Everytime you buy or sell items, or even give items to someone, or get items from some one, even if it is for 0L a transaction history is made.


When you send a ticket about duplicated or lost items that you have recently purchased, we may be asking for a transaction history to verify your purchase or exchange, if it becomes necessary. To speed up the answer to your ticket, please include this when you file.


Your transaction history also helps in knowing when and how much foods and consummables that you purchased that may have dissappeared or not rezzed properly.


You ask, Where do I find my transaction history? The answer is simple, at the top of your screen you will see the word WORLD, left click, then left click on account history, and find your transaction. Then copy that and paste onto your ticket.


Name ALL your Horses/K-9s, Bundles and Kennels:


Second Life has many lag issues, that can cause duplication of breedables, disappearance of breedables, or incomplete transfer of breedables. Having your breedable named can be very helpful especially when SL eats you Horse or K-9. We need information to remake your breedable. What we need is the Name of breedable and/or UUID number. If you leave you horse or K-9 as Amaretto Breedable Horse or Amaretto Breedable K-9 it can make it harder to find and sometimes impossible. The same goes for kennels and bundles


We can only replace, remake your item if we have the information, so please take the time to name all your breedables.


Names can be as simple as using a number. It will also help you keep track and know when you are missing a horse or K-9. example (White Walker Female, White Walker Female 2, White Walker Female 3)or for bundles and kennels BW/Gar/LL/DblGloom, BWGar/LL DBLGloom 2


When you get a bundle or kennel and you decide not to birth it, name it before you take it into your inventory. Lets say a few weeks down the road you decide to birth that bundle, and the horse stays white and doesn’t birth. or you go to rez it out and it dissapears.You probably dont remember who the parents of the bundle were, but if you have named the bundle and paid attention to the bundle name before you clicked birth, you now have some information to give us that can help in finding out about that bundle. Again try and make the names different, even by using a number. You can start naming your bundles/kennels by starting with a number and then naming the bundles in the next number order (1 BW/Gar/LL/BblGloom, 2 BW/Gar/LL/DblGloom, Etc)


Please understand that we know how frustrating it is when something goes wrong, but if you follow these simple things, it will make it more easier to fix them and get everything back like it should be.

It’s that time of the week again where you join me for a short bit. I’ve come to enjoy our Friday’s together and hope you enjoy them too! It’s with a heavy heart that I must announce that some of our lovable K-9s are reaching that age (some already well passed) where sadly they must retire from our breeding programs. We must make heavy choices “should we send these little guys on to Puppy Paradise or do we keep them as pets”.

*Hands out tissues to anyone needed*

To help you with that BIG choice we have created the “Perpetual Puppy”. This is a perfect option for your Spayed/Neutered K-9s that have served you well during the course of their breeding life. The Perpetual Puppy makes a Spayed/Neutered K-9 no longer require food. Of course ALL other functions for a Spayed/Neutered K-9 will still operate normally. Hover text will read Pet. It’s important to know (cause we don’t want to turn any good breeding K-9 into a Pet prematurely) that the “Perpetual Puppy” will only work on Spayed/Neutered K-9s
(over 126 days old) and can be used on either a male or female K-9

**One Perpetual Puppy Gift Certificate per K-9**
**The Perpetual Puppy Certificate will be sold in all Amaretto K-9 Store Locations**
**Only works for Spayed/Neutered K-9s that are greater than 120 days old**
**Can be used on either males or females that are Spayed/Neutered**
**Hover text will say Pet instead of Retired**
**Makes the Spayed/Neutered K-9 no longer require food any more.
All other normal functions for a Spayed/Neutered K-9 will still operate normally***

*Hover text will say Pet instead of Retired*


After purchase of the Perpetual Puppy, please place the Certificate in a folder named
“Perpetual Puppy <your sl name>” with the Spayed/Neutered K-9 you wish to be your Perpetual Puppy and send to Jaymee Caproni. Jaymee will work some pretty awesome magic and return your K-9 to you in a folder named “Perpetual Puppy from Jaymee Caproni”

***PLEASE follow these instructions so that the process goes as smoothly as possible.***

The Perpetual Puppy is an OPTION…. If you do not want to purchase it, don’t. You can continue to feed your Spayed/Neutered K-9s pet food as this option has not changed.

As always this connection was brought to you by the Letter M and the Number 11

Amaretto has Fun Events

Wow Friday’s K-9 kennel hunt was a success, with lots of people coming out to try and find the seventy (70) plus kennels that were hidden on three 3 different sims. It was surprising how quickly the kennels were all found. We are already thinking of ways to make the future hunts longer and more successful than our first. We wish to thank everyone who came out and joined us in this event, and congratulations to all who found them.


You can find out what Amaretto events are being held monthly,on the Amaretto Web site under your picture. Click Amaretto Calendar, or go to


Don’t forget about the Horse Show February 4, 2012 at 4pm SL time. Get your entries in to

Avalon Cyrstal. If you are not entering, please come out and enjoy it and have a great time with us. You can find more information about this event at


Also you may enjoy joining the A.R.B Horse Show group at on the Amaretto Website.