Category : K9 Information

Happy Friday Everyone! Hope you all are having a good breeding day.

Hey today I wanted to talk a little on breeding and pairing.
Many use pairing when you want 2 special breedables to try and give you that special breedable.
Do you know how to do it?
Let me tell you!!

First off both breedables have to be the same version so be sure to check that!

Please make sure your breedables are of breeding age which is age 7.

Both breedables must be at 100% Fervor for Horses and 100% Heat for K-9s.
The Happiness must be over 75% for Horses and K-9’s to build fervor.
Now how to pair your breedables

Click on your breedable you want to pair.
Click on Breeding in the drop down Menu
Click on Form Pairing
Then you will type the name of the horse/K-9 in local that you wish to pair with.
Then you get a drop down menu asking you to confirm or cancel the pairing you would choose confirm
In local chat it will say
Mike is now paired with Katie
Now your breedables are paired and will breed with each other when the time is right. Remember once they breed pairing is automatically broken so if you wish the same 2 to breed again be sure to re-pair them.

Until next week Happy Breeding!!


pairing menu

pairing menu1


Do you have a retired horse with sentimental value? Do you want to keep that special spayed or neutered K9 until the end of time? Well I have the answer for you! Forever Foal and Perpetual Puppy! The Forever Foal makes a Retired horse so that it will not require food anymore and the Perpetual Puppy make a Spayed/Neutered K9 so that it will not require food any more. The horse and/or K9 will still function as a normal retired horse or spayed/neutered K9 would. The hover text will read “pet” after they have been turned into a Perpetual Puppy or Forever Foal. Sounds awesome, doesn’t it? Let me point out some important information to make the redemption process go smooth.

Important Information for the Forever Foals:

Forever Foal certificates can be purchased at any Amaretto Horse store locations

You will need ONE certificate per ONE horse you would like to Forever Foal

You can only use the certificate for a Retired horse (120 days and older)

Once a horse has been turned into a Forever Foal it is permanent and cannot be reversed.

You can not give the certificate away as a gift. Only the person who purchases the certificate can redeem it.

Once a horse is made it to a Forever Foal, it is transferable.

Redemption Instructions:

Please place the Certificate in a folder named “Forever Foal ” with the Retired horse you wish to be your Forever Foal. Send the folder to Jaymee Caproni. Jaymee will work her magic and return the horse to you in a folder named “Forever Foal from Jaymee Caproni”


Important Information for the Perpetual Puppy:

Perpetual Puppy  certificates can be purchased at any Amaretto K9 store locations

You will need ONE certificate per ONE K9 you would like to Perpetual Puppy

You can only use the certificate for a Spayed or Neutered K9 (126 days and older)

Once a K9 has been turned into a Perpetual Puppy  it is permanent and cannot be reversed.

You can not give the certificate away as a gift. Only the person who purchases the certificate can redeem it.

Once a k9 is made it to a Forever Foal, it is transferable.

Redemption Instructions:

Please place the Certificate in a folder named “Perpetual Puppy  ” with the Spayed/Neutered K9  you wish to be your Perpetual Puppy. Send the folder to Jaymee Caproni. Jaymee will work her magic and return the K9 to you in a folder named “Perpetual Puppy from Jaymee Caproni”


I hope this is helpful information and please remember, The Perpetual Puppy and The Forever Foal is an OPTION…. If you do not want to purchase it, you do not have to. You can continue to feed your Spayed/Neutered K-9s and Retired Horses pet food as this option has not changed.

Happy breeding!

Until next time…..

The answer to this question depends on just how many breedables you have. Below are quideline charts that will help you know how long your food will last!




Amaretto Ranch Breedables suggests that you have only 8 horses to one breedable food and salt.

Snapshot _ Amaretto Ranch Breedables Main Store - Breedable hor 7

1 horse ~ 1 food/4 weeks

2 horses ~ 1 food/2 weeks

4 horses ~ 1 food/7 days

7 horses ~ 1 food/4 days

8 horses ~ 2 food/7 days

14 horses ~ 1 food/2 days

28 horses ~ 1 food/day

56 horses ~ 2 food/day

84 horses ~ 3 food/day

112 horses ~ 4 food/day


Always make sure that your food is in the same group as your horses. So often the food is in one group and the horse in another


If your horse is not eating, double check that you have food out and it’s within range


If you move your horses around, always remember to reset their home.




Amaretto Ranch Breedables suggests that you have only 8 K-9s to one breedable food and chew toy.


1 K-9 ~ 1 food/4 weeks

2 K-9s ~ 1 food/2 weeks

4 K-9s ~ 1 food/7 days

7 K-9s ~ 1 food/4 days

8 K-9s ~ 2 food/7 days

14 K-9s ~ 1 food/2 days

28 K-9s ~ 1 food/day

56 K-9s ~ 2 food/day

84 K-9s ~ 3 food/day

112 K-9s ~ 4 food/day


Always make sure that your food is in the same group as your K-9s. So often the food is in one group and the K-9 in another.


If your K-9 is not eating, double check that you have food out and it’s within range


If you move your K-9s around, always remember to reset their home.



Barnyard Birds

Amaretto Ranch Breedables suggests that you have only 8 Barnyard Birds to one food and orange rind


If your Barnyard Bird is not eating, double check that you have food out and it’s within range


If you move your Barnyard Birds around, always remember to reset their home.

 Barley bird seed_001

1 Barnyard Bird ~ 1 food/4 weeks

2 Barnyard Bird ~ 1 food/2 weeks

4 Barnyard Bird ~ 1 food/7 days

7 Barnyard Bird ~ 1 food/4 days

8 Barnyard Bird ~ 2 food/7 days

14 Barnyard Bird ~ 1 food/2 days

28 Barnyard Bird ~ 1 food/day

56 Barnyard Bird ~ 2 food/day

84 Barnyard Bird ~ 3 food/day

112 Barnyard Bird ~ 4 food/day


No one likes to be hungry, not even your breedable. Hope these charts help you understand how much food your breedable really eats.

Happy Friday Everyone! Hope everyone is having a good breeding day!

Well I know we all wish we could keep all those amazing Amaretto Breedables that has retired, without them getting sick or just putting them in our inventory.
So that means we have to send them to Horse Haven, Puppy Paradise or Bird Sanctuary.

Well let me give you some tips on sending an Amaretto Horse, K-9, or Barnyard Bird to haven.

First you are going to need to re-rez an Amaretto Breedable if you just purchased it before you sent it to haven, puppy paradise or bird sanctuary.

Be sure to make sure your breedable is not sick. You can’t send a sick breedable to haven, paradise, or sanctuary.

Be sure you click the confirm button on the menu.

If for some reason you send your breedable to horse haven, puppy paradise or bird sanctuary an in local it shows you that the breedable was indeed sent to haven, puppy paradise or bird sanctuary. If by chance it just sits there on your land give it some time to see if it poofs if for some reason it don’t. You can just delete the breedable because it has shown you in local that you received the points.
Also you can re-rez the breedable and it will indeed tell you that it was sent to haven, puppy paradise, or bird sanctuary.


Until next week Happy Breeding !!

horse haven_001

K-9 puppy paradise_001

Bird Sact_001

K-9’s in the Spotlight

Guess what time it is!?!?

It’s Thursday which means it’s time for another installment of my Breedable Spotlight!  For those of you not familiar with what that is, well it’s where I will use my blog to shine a spotlight on some of my favorite Amaretto Breedables!

This week I am going to show you one of my longest running, and still one of my most favorite K-9 projects.  My Bloody Dogs!  For a long time now it has been my mission to take the Wicked eye and Bloody Rockstar collar from the Crimson Bloodthirsty Beagle and put in on every other K-9 coat!

So far I have quite a collection.  My favorite and what started this whole project has to be the lil tiny Chihuahua.  They look like a big tough dog when they are sporting that Wicked Eye and Blood Rockstar collar.  I imagine their bark even sounds deeper!!! I have managed to put this on quite a few other K-9s and have included some pictures below for you to see how ferocious they all look. Now I’m trying to paint their paws and give them drool, so I still have things to work towards with them, which keeps it interesting.

For those of you not familiar with the Amaretto Breedable K-9s I hope this blog and the pictures below inspire you to check them out and maybe find your own special project to breed for with them.  You can learn everything you need to know on the K-9s by following this link:


I hope you enjoyed this week’s Spotlight and I look forward to sharing one of my favorite horse projects next week!

Until then, Happy Breeding!!




Bloody Pug


Crimson Bloodthirsty Beagle


Bloody Chihuahua


Big Bad Bloody Dane


Hey everyone! I hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday, I know I am!

Did you know that every month Amaretto is releasing a brand new Appreciation Eye?!

Well for the month April we have the new Aviation Appreciation Eye!

Here is a up close look at the eye:

Aviation Appreciation

Aviation Appreciationk9

How do you get an Appreciation Eye you ask? Well any breeding of two horses  or K-9s have a random chance to get an Appreciation Eye.
This eye does have the ability to pass on.

Next month will be a brand new Appreciation Eye!
So keep an eye out when checking your bundles and kennels for the Aviation Appreciation Eye.

You can check out past Appreciation Eyes on the wiki:
Don’t forget we have an Amaretto fishing event on Tuesday
April 8, 2014 @ 3 PM slt!

Until next time this is Ava over and out! Happy Breeding everyone!!!

Play Fetch With Your K-9

Happy Friday Everyone ! Hope everyone is having a good breeding day !

Today I am going to talk to you about playing fetch with your K-9s.

Below is a list of instructions on how to do so….
Wear the HUD – It will attach to your screen in the upper left corner

Touch the K-9 you want to interact with and chose HUD from the Blue Menu

Touch the Connect button on the HUD – It will confirm in local which K-9 is connected to the HUD

Now you can choose to play fetch with your K-9
Click the Get Ball button – This will send a ball to your objects

Wear the Ball – it will attach to your hand

Click Ball to set range for the distance at which the ball will be thrown. You can chose from 20, 40, 60, or 100 meters.

Click the Fetch button on your HUD

You will see the mouse look button at the bottom of your screen click that to go into mouse look

Aim where you want to throw the ball and left click your mouse to throw the ball

Your K-9 will run and retrieve the ball and bring it back to you as you will see it back in your hand and you can throw it again and again while your K-9 retrieves it for you.

Once you are done interacting with your K-9 via the HUD or you want to play with a different K-9 click the Disconnect button.

This will disconnect your K-9 from the HUD and reset Home position where the K-9 is located at the time it disconnects.

Remember to reset home position.

Until next week Happy Breeding !

k-9 hud1

List of K-9 Traits


Happy Friday Everyone!! Hope everyone is having a good breeding day!!!
I wanted to touch a little on the K-9 Traits!

K-9 Traits

Coat (Non-Starter)
Any coat that is not a starter coat.

Eye (Non-Starter)
Any eye that is not a starter eye

Ears (Non-Starter)
These ears can pass.

Size (Non-Starter)
The size can pass.

Collar (Non-Starter)
Tail (Non-Starter)
These tails can pass.
Black Spotted
Liver Spotted
These can pass.



Paw Polish

Thick Fog Paw Polish
Pumpkin Paw Polish
Indian Corn Paw Polish
Ice Wine Paw Polish
First Frost Paw Polish
Cornucopia Paw Polish


Ear Size Null – Holds the place of Small or Large Ears
Size Null – Holds the place of Runt or Pick
Nose Null – Holds the place of Black Spotted Nose, Pale Nose, Liver Spotted Nose, and Liver Nose
Tail Null – Holds the place of Long or Short tail
Polish Null – Holds the place of Paw Polish
Radiance Null – Holds the place of High or Low Radiance
Sheen Null – Holds the place of High or Low Sheen
Tint Null – Holds the place of Periwinkle, Lilac, Mint, Rose, Sunset, and Sunrise


Rose Tint

Mint Tint



All of these traits can be seem on the wiki!

I have included some pictures of the traits.

Until next week Happy Breeding!!



blueberry noseCapturePumpkinSunrise

Happy Thursday!  We had a great time at the fishing event today, congrats to all the winners!

I wanted to talk to you all today about one of the greatest tools that Amaretto offers, the GPS!

What does GPS stand for and where can you get one? Well each breedable has its own GPS so I will tell you what each one stands for:


For the horses – GPS stands for Global Pony Settings and you can pick one up at any of the Amaretto Ranch Breedables Horse store locations.


For the K-9’s – GPS.stands for Global Pup Settings and you can get one at all of our Amaretto Ranch Breedables K9 store locations.


For the Barnyard Birds – GPS.stands for Global Peck’n Sort and this can be found at all Amaretto Ranch Breedables Barnyard Bird store locations.


Now once you pick up your GPS from the store you want to start by opening the box to your inventory. Locate the GPS in your inventory and rez to the ground in world. Click the GPS and you will get a drop down blue menu with the following options


Set Range – this will set the range of your breedables


Activate – After you have chosen all your settings, click this to activate your settings

(If your text setting is left in the on position, you will probably notice the text on your breedables will go off and then come back on.)


Home Set- this button is to decide to keep the Home setting where it was or tell the GPS to reset the home on your breedables


Text Off- this button is to turn off all text above your breedables


Sounds On- this button is to turn on the sounds your breedables makes


Sounds Off- this button is to turn off the sounds your breedables makes


Anims On- this button is to turn the animations of your breedables on


Anims Off- this button is to turn the animations of your breedables off


Text On- this button is to turn on all text above your breedables


Move Physic- this button is to set your breedables movement to physical

(While set to Physical, your breedables will not walk through other objects)


Move Phant- this button is to your breedables movement to phantom

(While set to phantom, Phantom your breedables will walk through other objects)


Move Off- this button is to set your breedables movement to off




Once you have set all settings to your wants and needs you simply click the Activate button and your settings will then take place!


The GPS will apply the settings you choose to all rezzed Horses, K9s, or Barnyard Birds on your sim. The GPS works sim wide. If you have horses, k9s, and birds you must use the breed specific GPS to set their settings. There is not a universal GPS that works on all three breedables. Also, I’d like to mention, if you have special projects that have special settings, please remember this when using the GPS as it does apply the settings to ALL rezzed horses, k9s, and birds.


I hope everyone now understands the GPS and how it works. It is a very hand tool!


Until next week, Happy Breeding!


Horse GPS

Horse GPS



Bird GPS

Bird GPS



Happy St. Patrick’s Day everyone!
Hope you are enjoying this very green holiday!

I know that most of you have seen them in the main group and heard the chatter but I wanted to confirm. It started at 12:01 this morning until 11:59 tonight any breeding from your Horses, K-9s, and Barnyard Birds have the ability to get a very special Shamrock Eye! All of these eyes DO have the ability to pass! Take a look at these eyes:

ShamK9Eye ShamrockBirdEye ShamrockhorseEye
Wait thats not all! The horses have another hidden surprise in them! The shamrock wing! These green wing matches the green bridle perfectly! I wonder if someone did that on purpose? Anyways take a look at this wing and remember it too also has the ability to pass!

shamrock ShamrockWing
I found a few Irish Blessings I thought I would share with you guys:

A sunbeam to warm you,
A moonbeam to charm you,
A sheltering angel, so nothing can harm you.
~Irish Blessing

May your thoughts be as glad as the shamrocks
May your heart be as light as a song
May each day bring you bright
Happy hours that stay with you all the year long.
~Irish Blessing

Here’s to a long life and a merry one
A quick death and an easy one
A pretty girl and an honest one
A cold beer and another one!

I hope you guys are all having a great day and staying safe out there, remember Kiss Me I’m Irish!!!
This is Ava over and out! Happy breeding everyone!