Category : Second Life Issues

Something that helps

I have talked about the importance of transaction history and how you find it. Another important and very helpful thing, is for you to name your horses and bundles.

What happens when your horse or bundles disappears? You have to file a ticket. If you don’t have the UUID number, and you have named your horse or bundle, we can usually locate it in our database.

If you leave the horse or bundle named Amaretto Breedable Horse, or Bundle than we have no way of knowing which horse or bundle that you have missing.

Don’t name them all the same. If you use a name twice, give one of them a number also, or a sir name, Sr., Jr., III, etc.

Even if you are selling a bundle or horse, please name it, it truly helps when they get lost.


A lot of horses and consumables are being sold that are not Amaretto made. When you go to purchase a horse or consumables, check to see the creators name. It should be JJ Cerna, If the spelling is different in any way, buyer beware.

We can not replace for you, or refund your for these copybotted purchases.

Now they are even selling consumables on the Market Place. If you have already purchased these products you need to contact Linden Labs.

Protect your investments, always check it out first

Protect Yourself!!!

Hey guys its very frustrating for Amaretto to learn about copybotters   and stolen horses and all of the things that will ruin the fun for everyone.   So just yet another reminder, a few things you can do to protect yourself and your horses.

  • Don’t buy/sell horses to avatars that are only one day old.
  • Always set prices of your horses in your inventory.
  • Don’t buy horses from random people iming you.
  • Always check the creator of the horse. It should always without exception be JJ Cerna or Ancient Biscuit.
  • NEVER i mean never buy a duplicated horse or a horse that you haven’t seen rezzed in secondlife.

Amaretto can not be there to help you at every horse sale nor can we refund you if you buy a copybotted horse or a duplicated horse. You have to protect yourself against these people in secondlife, if you do fall victim to one of these scams the best thing to do is file a abuse report them to linden labs.

Please be responsible and protect yourself, its sad that this even has to be a connection.  But you guys have to be proactive and protect yourself against such scams and report all scammers to linden labs with a abuse report.

Happy breeding everyone until  next monday!!!

Horse Thieves in the digital age and how to protect yourself and your horses.

This is a MUST read as we at Amaretto Ranch Breedables have been forced to make a POLICY CHANGE.

First for ALL HORSE BREEDERS that wish to sell horses:

Following these steps will help cut down on the current rash of stolen horses.

If someone contacts you and is interested in purchasing a horse that is not already marked for sale please use the following steps to protect your horse and yourself.

If you wish to sell the horse…Please take the horse to a private area and NEVER set the horse for sale in front of the interested party that wishes to purchase the horse. ALWAYS either set the horse with your sale price in a private area or take the horse into your inventory and mark it for sale via right clicking the horse and choosing  the properties, set the price your desire to sell the horse for, click the For Sale box and than rezz the horse.

Again we must stress NEVER mark a horse for sale in front of the interested buyer.

Secondly we would like to start by giving some advice on how to identify when BUYING a stolen horse!

Most breeders and horse buyers know how much a horse is worth and what they are willing to pay for it.
If you have someone approach you with a very rare horse (charmed for example sake) and they want a REALLY low price for it…or lower than average price that you have seen….chances are it is a stolen horse. You will now need to take these actions to Linden Lab.
( Amaretto will no longer be involved in these types of disputes).

So Please when buying horses stick with the old saying “If it sounds too good to be true…it probably is”.

We have had a rash of horses being stolen over the past several days. Amaretto has always wanted to protect the community however we can no longer keep replacing stolen horses.

You are responsible for the sales of your horse. You are responsible for setting your horse for sale in a safe manner so that it can not be stolen.

So as of today Thursday July 7th 2011 Amaretto Ranch Breedables will NO LONGER REPLACE STOLEN HORSES.

Although we feel terrible that anyone would have property stolen, we have offered you ways to keep your horses safe and protected and your sale to happen without conflict.

We hope you heed our advice as we do not want to keep seeing stolen horses. You have the power to protect yourself.

We appreciate your understanding of our new Policy Change.

Have a great day and be safe in your sales endeavors!
The Amaretto Team~

Hey guys its Monday!!   Wooooo hopefully all of you are enjoying a 3 day weekend (those of you which are in the states anyways)

So Ive seen a few tickets come through about this issue, and wanted to let everyone know why this happens and what you should do when it does!

This happens when there are two copies of a horse in world, this can happen due to lag, sim restarts, sim rollbacks, crashes, and even updating.

So your horse is duplicated what do I do now??

File a ticket, include the uuid, where you got the horse, and if you passed it to someone. If you recently bought the horse please include your transaction history from

Why do we ask for this? Well……when we look up the horse on the server if you do not show as owner of the horse we cant return it to you! This is for all of our customers protection we don’t want anyone to just give us a uuid and say the horse is theirs when its really not!

So if you have a horse that has the red text that says Duplicated horse, file a ticket with Amaretto support, don’t freak out just file a ticket! Be sure to include all the info you can this will make your ticket answered in a timely manner!

Also please when sending folders to csr, make sure your name and ticket id is on the folder! Don’t send replys to tickets in im or ncs, reply  to your ticket!
If you do the things I have  talked about here your ticket will be answered quickly and it will be a smooth process for you and Amaretto Csrs!!

Happy Breeding everyone!!! Cya on the network !!

Today there is a few things I would like to speak with you all about.

First we have the issue with horses moving in all directions. This is caused by a release that LL did this morning. We are working hard with LL to get this fixed. We have been told the fix is being tested by LL and will be released next Tuesday in the weekly release. At this time we do advise everyone to make sure to turn movement off and make sure the home of the horse is set within range of the food. Remember this is just until LL does get the fix in next Tuesday.

Next thing is something I’m sure everyone has noticed… that is the server issues. The server is not in fact “going down”  it is just slowing down. This is due to all the wonderful customers out there that have made Amaretto what we are today. You all have made the company soar past  our exceptions. With that being said, we are working with our server company  to get a few more servers in place.  We are doing so so we can get things flowing more smoothly for now and for the future of Amaretto.  This process, however is taking a few more days to complete while the server company gets everything setup. We are monitoring the server 24/7. If the server starts to bog down we are on top of it. We do strive for great customer service and do want everyone to have a wonderful experience with the horses. Also, if you have any horses that do not birth during this time please do not pick up the “white” horses, they will reconnect. If a horse does not drop its bundle as soon as it is out of Pregnancy give the horse some extra time, it will drop it. All these issues will fix themselves if you give them time.

Myslhorses has been temporarily  taken off of our data base. This is to decrease the load on the servers. As soon as we do get the new servers in place we will be putting myslhorses back in place. Please keep in mind MySLHorses is a third-party product. It is not owned or operated by Amaretto Ranch Breedables LLC.

I would also like to mention one other thing. I have noticed a lot of people filing  tickets for “Mother Had Second Bundle Error”. Jaymee did a blog on this already. ( ) I want to just remind you if you do get a bundle that says ” MOTHER_HAD_SECOND_BUNDLE_IN_THREE_DAYS” , This is not a viable bundle. In 99% of the cases, the mother  has a viable bundle and these are 2nd bundles that can be deleted. Please note, Twins are NOT possible with the current version.

I would like to say thank you to all who have been patient with us while we work hard to improve your experience with Amaretto Breedables.

Hi there… as we’ve been working with the support tickets and watching the group chatter I have noticed numerous mentions and concerns about bundles having the error over them stating the mother had second bundle in three days.
Example of Error Message:
Please file a ticket at with Amaretto with this message.
This message usually occurs when there has been a LL rollback or restart or due to normal everyday sim lag.
A majority of the time the mother has in fact had a viable bundle already and the bundle with error can be deleted and a ticket is not needed. Twins or more are not possible. A horse will only have one viable bundle per pregnancy.
Example of a successful bundle ID:
The only reason you need to file a support ticket for a bundle with this error message is if you did not receive the original viable bundle.
If you need to submit a ticket for this issue please be sure to include the mothers information in the ticket. Also, if you have already filed a ticket for this issue and have the successful viable bundle already. Please go back to your ticket and reply letting us know we can close the ticket.

I hope this helps clear up some confusion and help eliminate unnecessary support tickets.

Until next time…………

Common Issues & fixes

Lets talk about server issues and what you should do when they happen, or you think they might be happening.

Server Issue Indicators:
When you go to click on a bundle and dont get its stats,
If you see a bundle that says waiting to connect to server
If you are trying to birth a bundle and the little white horse says please wait.

The server can be down or just slow. First thing to do is leave everything alone. Most of the time the server will catch up and the horse will finish birthing, the bundle will connect, and the stats box will come back. Please be patient when this happens and dont take items into inventory, or keep trying to birth bundles.

SL lag, grid issues and roll backs, seem to be regular happenings. They can cause duplications, missing items, and alot of statue horses,(non movable items).

You will need to file a ticket on missing items and duplications. On missing horses , please include the name of the horse and the UUID number if you have it.

If you have a Statue horse that can’t be picked up

1. Try a sim restart…
If this does not work….
2. Right click the horse/bundle.
3. Select “wear” from the pie menu.
4. After the horse/bundle is attached, detach the horse from your inventory.
5. If it does not detach, right click it and it should detach.

Horses not dropping their bundle

If there is any interference (with Second Life , the Amaretto Server, lag etc.) when the mare goes to drop her bundle she will go into recovery but the bundle will not automatically drop. The mare will try to contact the server again and if all the conditions are favorable the bundle will then drop. Depending on the issues stated this may take some time so just be patient.