Archive for June, 2012

Showhorse and Best in Show K-9

I would like to talk about the Showhorse and the Best in Show k-9 for June.




The Appaloosa is a very beautiful horse. It is the Community favorite. Below is a picture of the horse

I would also like to remind everyone about a few things about this months Showhorse:

*This “Appaloosa Showhorse” will have a chance of passing its special eye!



The Schnauzer is an awesome looking K-9 Below is a picture of the K-9

I would also like to remind everyone about a few things about this months Best in Show

*This ” Best In Show Schnauzer” will have a chance of passing its special eye and collar!

The time has come for classes at Amaretto Ranch University classes to commence! Starting Monday June 11th at 9 am slt ARU classes will begin! The schedule for the classes is now located on the website under the Amaretto Calendar button. Below you will find a picture of where to find the ARU class schedule on the website.


Here is the schedule for the month of June! So lets all get out our note books and back packs and I’ll see you at the University!

Yesterday many of our friends across the pond celebrated the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II’s reign. The Diamond Jubilee celebrations marked the 60th anniversary of the accession of Queen Elizabeth II to the throne.  So as an addition to the celebrations Amaretto released a one day random drop branding in honor of the Diamond Jubilee.  The Diamond Jubilee branding does have the ability to pass!   We hope everyone enjoyed the celebrations and long live the Queen!!

Announcing Rose Pearl Eyes!

Hey guys just wanted to take a moment and official announce the new birth flower eye for the month of June! If you haven’t seen it take a good look!
Its the Rose Pearl Eye!

How do you get this eye ? Well! You can have a chance at one of these exciting Non-Starter eyes as they are randomly dropped into bundles at the time the bundle drops. Your horse needs to be version 3.2 and higher for this eye to drop.

And don’t forget your time to register for the RFL TIme for a Cure Auction is running out so turn those I wanna Bid! note cards into Avalon Crystal!!
Until next time……Happy Brreeding all!

Happy Monday! Hope all of you enjoyed your weekends, summertime is approaching us fast! I know its sure hot where I am. I wanted to take time to write about all the one of a kinds that will be for auction at the Time for a Cure Auction this Friday!

Remember you guys must be registered to bid. I have seen lots of chatter about oooh ill never afford that or to high for me to bid on but you guys need to remember we will have lots of other animals up for auction donated by the communities and staff themselves. So if you want to help raise some money for Relay For Life and take home some sweet horses, k-9s, or chickens please register!!

There are 3 very special animals that Amaretto has up for auction and I have included pics of all of these!
Now what makes these unlike any other one of a kind Amaretto has done before all of these have the ability to pass not only the eye but the coat as well!!

Another really cool thing that Amaretto will be auctioning off this auction that we have never done before is a custom brand! There are a few rules for the brand and they are the following:

No ads on the brand
Logo must be simple
Must be approved by Amaretto before production
Amaretto will put this brand on a male White Walker Long Long age 7 for the winner.

This brand will pass on and you will be the only one with it in second life if you don’t share!!!

So please take the time to register for this auction, to do this all you have to do is send a note card that says I want to bid! to Avalon Crystal. I will send you a group invite for all the bidders and later on this week we will set you up with your proxy bidder!

Just like the previous Auction for a Cure that Amaretto did we will be streaming everything just in case the sim is full and you still want to participate in the fun! So go down to the Nest Egg check out the animals in world because the pictures don’t do them justice! Also send in those note cards to register to bid.

I know the Amaretto Community can pull together and really raise a lot of money for Relay For Life. Hope to see you all at the auction Happy Breeding All!

Hello everyone today i would like to retouch on a topic that has been covered once before. This would be the topic of the helpful how-to videos on the website. Our talented Avalon has created a bunch of helpful how to videos that cover everything from signing up for the website  to the ticket system to even the wonderful G.P.S. tools! These videos were made to answer most questions about the topics that are covered by them.  As always if any new video ideas come up please be sure to share them you never know it may end up with a how to video!

Heres a link to the videos: enjoy

Making Your Horses Happy

I have seen some tickets lately that have been about fervor not rising. Your horse’s fervor will only rise if your horse is awake and above 75% happiness. Now there are many ways to increase the happiness of your breedable.


1. Riding is one of the ways you can increase the happiness. Just ride your horse some if he or she seems to be unhappy and not gaining happiness (they have to be age 7 before you can ride them).


2. You can also raise the happiness with salt licks. Rezzing out a salt lick with your food will make your horses happier. This stat booster gives a 1% increase in happiness over time. One Salt Lick last 2 horses 2 weeks.


Also you have two other consumables at your disposal to help raise the happiness level some.


1. Sugar cubes, when used give your horse a 15% increase to the happiness. You can only give this consumable to them once in a 24 hour period.


2. The second consumable that affects happiness also affects all the other stats of the horse and that’s the Amaretto Cocktail! This wonderful little concoction is just what your horse wants to feel happy and ready to start producing bundles by raising energy, happiness, and fervor by 5% and decreasing nourishment by 5% ensuring that your horse can stay up late with his favorite mare! Note that again this consumable can only be given once every 24 hours.


If you want to read up on the consumables available, here’s a link,_Salt_Licks,_and_Consumables

I wanted to remind everyone that we are taking donations for our next Auction for A Cure with all proceeds going to Relay For Life. This Auction For A Cure will be held on June 8th at 10am slt. If you would like to donate please send your donations in a folder with your full second life name and Amaretto Auction as the name of the folder. We would also ask that you include a detailed note card explaining why you wanted to donate to Relay For Life and then send your folder to Jaymee Caproni! Donations will only be accepted until June 5th at noon. Limit 2 items per person please.


We have set out the One-of-a-Kind demos at The Nest Egg Marketplace. The actual Horse, K-9 and Barnyard Bird will be up for auction at the Amaretto Auction for a Cure Friday, June 8th at 10am slt. So be sure to head over and have a look!!