Hey everyone Monday has approached us once again! I hope that everyone had a great weekend, I wanted to take a few moments to remind everyone of the Amaretto calendar and all the great events going on this month!

Did you know every week a different CSR hosts a event for the community? You would if you checked your Amaretto calendar!! This week I hosted the horse show and we all had a lot of fun! Big shout out to my winners.

I still had people contacting me when it was over inquiring when it was! We host these events to bring the community together and to have a little fun! There is always a lot of fun and exciting things going on at Amaretto so I hope your plugged in and attend a few of them!!

Another thing I wanted to point out cause I am not sure that everyone knows yet but……… the horses now have a 5% pregnancy booster! Thats right cut down the pregnancy time by about 4 and half hours!!!

It is located in all the stores, I know that those starters are getting close so why not speed it up go pick up yours today! I have included a picture for you guys as usual.

Well the next couple of days should be exciting with the new starters reaching breeding age! GL and happy breeding all!


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