Category : Website Info

Hello everyone today I would like to briefly cover where you can find the AMOC minutes as taken in-world from the monthly AMOC meetings. Also briefly describe what AMOC is and why it can benefit you.

Ok first things first AMOC stands for Amaretto Market Owners Coalition. and was created to try and help both the market owners and the breeders come together and discuss prominent issues to help the secondary market out. Anybody can join you just have to contact an Amaretto Staff member to get the invite. The meetings are held monthly as determined by the AMOC officers and the group chat is always open for talk. Each month the chat of the meeting ( I like to call them “the minutes”) are always uploaded here:

so look back through the meetings and you can get a general idea of what gets discussed at the meetings. AMOC can work for you and can provide a place where market owners and the breeders can work together and suggest  improvements and ideas that they can do to help the secondary market. I hope to see many more of you at these meetings 🙂 Till next time this is Tmzasz signing off.

Happy Thursday everyone!!! Many of you have been taking classes at Amaretto and we would like to remind you all about the Amaretto Ranch University website where you can see what classes you have taken and what classes are available! We have placed terminals out at all the classrooms and at the landing point at Amaretto University and it’s very quick to sign up for the website.

To sign up go to any of the terminals at the University and touch the terminal; a blue drop down box comes down and asks for you to type in my email address. Once you type that in and hit send it asks you to wait in local chat then it sends another message with your user name and a temporary password.  You will then go to the website and put that information in and BOO-Yah! That easy! Now you can keep up with all your class studies!We are in the process of inputting all the classes that you have already taken at ARU and you will have that information at your fingertips each time you want to attend classes.  We also have started planning what we think will be one pretty amazing Graduation party for those that finish the classes. Of course no Graduation party would be complete without presents, so if you haven’t taken all the classes yet you better get moving!


Now I would also like to mention that there is a Class Suggestion box right beside the Terminal at the landing point.  We have added more new and exciting classes at the University but can always use suggestions for more! Let us know what classes you would like to see offered at ARU by dropping a notecard with your suggestions on into that suggestion box.  Don’t be surprised if one of us contacts you and asks for your input on the class you suggestion though!


With your help and your desire to breed amazing Amaretto breedables we can make Amaretto Ranch University the place to be!

Happy Wednesday Everyone!!!  Let’s talk a little bit about Amaretto Store Website!!

Did you know you can bring Amaretto to your real life? Yes you can!!!!!!!


Amaretto has a store that you can order items such as Women’s Apparel, Cups and Mugs,

Men’s Apparel and Odd’s an Ends.


Now I know you’re asking where these items are and how do I get them?

These items are on The Amaretto Store located on the Amaretto Social Network!

You can go to the Amaretto Network Site click on Shop and the store page will open for you.

I bet you can find something you like!

Hello my Amaretto family and faithful breeding community! I hope all you guys are enjoying the Anniversary k9s that came out this week and look forward to the Anniversary Horses that will be coming this next week! But now for a bit more exciting news!

We have had several tickets filled as well and im’s and suggestions on the matter of Myslhorses and Myslk9s.

Well we at Amaretto are proud to let our community know that we are currently in the final phases of taking these websites over.

We realize that our community utilizes these tools and we have plans for a total update of theses websites!

So the new Myslhorses and MyslK-9s  renewal boards are now out at most of our locations again and we will be providing full support for them. So if you have a issue please log in to the Amaretto Support Site.

I want to encourage all of you who use these tools to continue to use them and that if you haven’t that you give them a try. It is an awesome resource at keep your breeding stock organized and linage easy accessible. So lots of changes in the future coming for Myslhorses and Myslk9s powered by Amaretto!

Hey everyone! Happy Hump day! Yup the week is half way over hope you guys aren’t working to hard!

Just a simple reminder, a great tool that I think everyone should know about! Have you checked out the Video Tutorials that Ava creates for all of us breeders?

Well they can be very usefull and she told me that she just added a new one! Thats right a horse hud video, showing us all how to use the functions of the horse hud! Check it out!

I was also told that she was working on video on how to use the racing and training options on the hud!

In other news did you guys hear? That a brand new albino eye hit the grid just the other day? What you didnt? Well let me be the first to introduce the Black Widow eyes!
Heres a cool pic below!

Remember Albinos come randomly from full siblings. Full siblings are siblings that come from the exact same mother and father. Siblings do not have to have the same traits they only need to be full sibling.

Official Amaretto Websites

Hello everyone its tmzasz your friendly neighborhood webmaster, today I would like to discuss the official amaretto websites!

Now i know we have talked about the official amaretto groups and business avatars but never mentioned what all the official amaretto websites are well today i am gonna show them to you with a brief description of each!


First off we have the main website:

This is the main website of amaretto also known as the social network. From here you can go to the forums, view pictures of the breedables , interact with others. There’s just so much to do on the website so why don’t you go have a look? Also to note there are various sub-websites on this domain ( website url ) Ticket System Link to the forums Link to the shop Horse Manual K-9 Manual Barnyard Bird Manual Link to locations page The customer connection ( this site )


As you can see we use the main website address for alot of things 🙂


Now what you dident know is there is 2 other sites owned by amaretto! One is this:

If you go there right now all that’s there is a coming soon page but I have been allowed to give a small teaser about this site! This site will co inside with the Amaretto Ranch University inside of Second Life. On this page it will have many things relating to the university and some neat features I can not go into right now.

And finally if you have seen our twitter you may be wondering where our short-links for the connection are coming from. Well here is the official url for that:

This url is the url we use to generate our shortlinks for twitter like this one it came from Mal’s blog named Important Information and Tips from yesterday!

Well that covers the current websites owned by amaretto! When we add more I will be sure to add them to the connection.

Till next time Happy Breeding everyone!!!!!

Hello everyone, I wanted to talk you about the advertising system on the Amaretto website. All ads currently are priced at a flat rate per week ( no worries about having views or clicks expire just straight time ). Currently ads are priced in 4 tiers:

1 Week Rotations cost 10$USD or 2500L$ and will run 1 week from the date of Approval.

2 Week Rotations cost 19$USD or 4731L$ ( 5% Off ) and run 2 weeks from the date of Approval.

3 Week Rotations cost 27$USD or 6723L$ ( 10% Off ) and run 3 weeks from the date of Approval.

4 Week Rotations cost 34$USD or 8466L$ ( 15% Off ) and run 4 weeks from the date of Approval.

Now for the technical information you need to know about your future ad!

Ad Titles are limited to 25 characters

The logo for your ad can be any size up to 180 x 180 ( Pixels )

The body of your ad is limited to 135 characters

We review all ads placed in the system to ensure they are appropriate ( no profane language etc. etc. )

Placing an ad to advertise your market, your stud service or even your store is really simple just follow these steps:

First click on the button at the top that says Advertising and a new page will open.

Then Click on the red Create an Ad to open the ad editor/package selector.

Choose a package and click the blue Create an Ad button to go to the editor, in this window there will be a preview for your ad as you create it helping you decide exactly how your ad will appear ( the preview is actual size ).

If you have created an ad campaign already ( previously created an ad ) then you can add the new ad to that campaign if not you can enter a campaign name below if you want. ( Its only used to group your ads for your convenience )

Next if your ad has a URL ( like an in world SLUrl ) copy and paste it into the URL box so that when they click on the ad it takes them to the url.

Enter a title for your ad like So and So Stud Service.

Then give your ad a body text ( explain what you are advertising )Finally Upload your ad logo ( remember it has to be 180 x 180 or smaller )

Press continue and a new section drops down be sure its set to today’s date for start date and press continue

Once you press continue you will be asked to place order or edit ad. Please review your ad and make sure its how you want it. Press Place Order to submit your ad and proceed to the Pay With Pay Pal screen. This takes you to the Pay Pal Payment Gateway where you can complete your order and have your ad placed in the review queue. Within 24 hours we will review your ad and either approve it ( at which point the package starts but not before) or Deny it and send you a message with why it was denied ( refunds are issued if you chose not to place the ad after this ).You can also pay for the ad inworld using L$ here

I hope this helps everyone understand the Advertising system on the website. Enjoy

Hello Everyone its me your neighborhood Webmaster and today i would like to retouch a little bit on the various log ins for the Website/Ticket system. As Many of you know the website and the ticket system are 2 separate log ins, i know this is something that can be confusing but i hope to explain it a little to help clear any confusion.

First off we have the main website login.

This one is for everything but the ticket system.

First off its best to use a NON-Second Life based browser as the internal browsers don’t really work with much ( and in fact have shown not to work with the website or the ticket system most of the time ). at the bottom of this post i will provide a few links to the popular browsers for you to choose from 🙂

Now in the browser of your choice go to and near the top of the page is a sign up / sign in button. If you have already signed up for the main website you would click sign in if not then click sign up ( Remember registering for the main website will not register you for the ticket system and vice versa you have to sign up for both but you can use the same email / password combination for both 🙂 )

Now after clicking sign up you will be prompted to create your profile just fill in the information with your Second life information and when it asks for profile address refer to this connection:

Now you are registered and should receive a confirmation email, if for some reason you did not receive the email ( please be patient and give it at least 30 minutes to arrive and be sure to check your spam folder as well ) Please send a Notecard in-world to Tmzasz Luminos and I will look into it and get the account activated for you 🙂


Now on to the Ticket System

Now the reason you have to sign up for the ticket system as well is because the website and ticket system use a different method of storing the user names and other information and cant understand each other ( its like if you went to another country that spoke a language that you were not familiar with and they didn’t understand you )

Now to register to the ticket system go to and click on the button in the center of the page that says Register. Again its best to use a NON-Second Life browser for this.

After clicking register fill in the Account information as a reminder we only need your second life name and do not suggest or need you to fill in any RL information.

Once you register ( no email confirmation with the ticket system ) at there is a box on the right hand side of the page that says Log In and one that says Subscribe. Ignore the one that says Subscribe and put your email address and the password you chose into the login box and login 🙂

After logging in at the top where it says > Home > View tickets > Submit a ticket > Knowledgebase > News > Troubleshooter click on home to go to the front page or Submit a Ticket to go straight to the ticket submition page.


I hope this helps everyone to be able to login easier 🙂


Links to Popular Browsers:

Google Chrome

Apple Safari

Mozilla Firefox


Internet Explorer

Hello everyone today I would like to retouch on a topic that has been covered once before. This would be the topic of the helpful how-to videos on the website. Our talented Avalon has created a bunch of helpful how to videos that cover everything from signing up for the website  to the ticket system to even the wonderful G.P.S. tools! These videos were made to answer most questions about the topics that are covered by them.  As always if any new video ideas come up please be sure to share them you never know it may end up with a how to video!

Heres a link to the videos: enjoy

Today I would like to talk to you all about the registration/login process for the website and ticket system. As you may know both sections on the website have a separate registration / login system. Now I would like to cover both processes for you real quick.


Main website this is for everything but the ticket system.


First point your external browser (a browser other than the built in media browser inside second life) to (you need to use an external browser as the in world browsers do not work all the time)


Now at the top of the page click Sign up and it will take you to the account creation/registration page

Fill in your email address set the password you want twice (do not use the same password as your email or second life account) and in the profile address you have to put an alpha-numeric word in the box. You create this and it has to have at least 1 letter in it but can have letters and numbers, i.e. tmzasz1 this is for the url of your website profile page and it would look like this don’t put the http:// or anything else in just put what you want to be behind the last /.

Next change your time zone and language, complete the recaptcha and then read and agree to the terms of service of the site (which are located here:


Press continue to go to the profile information page


Here you fill in what will appear on your profile page

For first name use your SL first name and for last name use your SL last name or resident if you don’t have one

Everything else on the page is optional and completely up to you if you want to fill it in.

Click save and wait for the confirmation email (should arrive within 5 minutes) and then confirm the registration and login that’s all there is to it :)


Now for the ticket system


The reason the website login does not work with the ticket system is because the systems use a separate user/password style and they can’t talk to each other.


Ok to register to the ticket system point your external browser (a browser other than the built in media browser inside second life) to (you need to use an external browser as the in world browsers do not work all the time)


On this page in the center is a register button that looks like a red silhouette with a brown + sign on it click it to start the registration process.


Once you click the register button please fill in the account fields:

Full Name please use your second life name not your RL name

Email please put the email you wish to use to login to the ticket system and put a password (do not use the same password as your email or second life account) and finally fill in the recaptcha and click sign up. Once you do you will be able to login using the login box to the right of the screen about halfway down.


Once you login you can fill in the profile information if you choose to but it is not required.


After logging in at the top where it says > Home > View tickets > Submit a ticket > Knowledgebase > News > Troubleshooter click on home to go to the front page or Submit a Ticket to go straight to the ticket submit ion page.


I hope this helps everyone be able to login easier and clears up any confusion.


P.S. Ava has made 2 awesome videos that show the signup process for each part!

Website Signup –

Ticket System Signup –