Category : Miscellaneous

September in review!

What a month September was lets recap some of the things that happened!

First there was the 2 year bday party for Amaretto that’s right 2 years old and going strong!! on top of that September was a busy month for everyone with the latest being the Fall Fantasy K-9’s and Fall Fantasy Horses being released you have to just love them. Then there’s the Birthstone eye this month being the Morning Glory Sapphire which just looks amazing, Oh and lets not forget about the awesome new Albino Mystique Horse that was released as well ( it looks Amazing I tell ya ). September also saw the Best in Show Yorkie and the Amaretto Shetland Showhorse which are just so dang cute. The last 2 big things that happened in September was the Galaxy Horses and there was that surprise football party for the NFL Kickoff! With so many things happening in September its no wonder it went by so fast. Well I hope this was a good recap for you all about everything that happened in September and as always look back to see all the information listed about these things in the connections before this one.


until next time this is Tmzasz Luminos signing off.


Hello everyone today I would like to briefly cover where you can find the AMOC minutes as taken in-world from the monthly AMOC meetings. Also briefly describe what AMOC is and why it can benefit you.

Ok first things first AMOC stands for Amaretto Market Owners Coalition. and was created to try and help both the market owners and the breeders come together and discuss prominent issues to help the secondary market out. Anybody can join you just have to contact an Amaretto Staff member to get the invite. The meetings are held monthly as determined by the AMOC officers and the group chat is always open for talk. Each month the chat of the meeting ( I like to call them “the minutes”) are always uploaded here:

so look back through the meetings and you can get a general idea of what gets discussed at the meetings. AMOC can work for you and can provide a place where market owners and the breeders can work together and suggest  improvements and ideas that they can do to help the secondary market. I hope to see many more of you at these meetings 🙂 Till next time this is Tmzasz signing off.

Events and pictures

I was so happy to see so many of you enjoying the Carnival yesterday. Someone even brought their horse and the horse rode the Rapids ride ( picture below ). If you haven’t been attending our monthly events , you are really missing out on fun times and laughter. I even caught Josephine sitting on the Mine Roller Coaster Roof eating popcorn ( picture below ), and Nash relaxing on a bench ( picture below ). If you didn’t get a chance to come to this Carnival, I am already working on a plan for a Spooky Carnival Night for October, and also a Halloween Costume Party at Club Amaretto.

On Friday September 14th we have game night from 3 pm slt til 5 pm slt. We love to play games, so come and join us for a fun evening

Also on Friday September 21st there will be another fishing tournament at the Boomtown Pier at 10 am slt. Get those rods ready.

Every Saturday from 5 pm til 7 pm is Club Amaretto with Ava. Great music and Sploder fun





Hello my Amaretto family and faithful breeding community! I hope all you guys are enjoying the Anniversary k9s that came out this week and look forward to the Anniversary Horses that will be coming this next week! But now for a bit more exciting news!

We have had several tickets filled as well and im’s and suggestions on the matter of Myslhorses and Myslk9s.

Well we at Amaretto are proud to let our community know that we are currently in the final phases of taking these websites over.

We realize that our community utilizes these tools and we have plans for a total update of theses websites!

So the new Myslhorses and MyslK-9s  renewal boards are now out at most of our locations again and we will be providing full support for them. So if you have a issue please log in to the Amaretto Support Site.

I want to encourage all of you who use these tools to continue to use them and that if you haven’t that you give them a try. It is an awesome resource at keep your breeding stock organized and linage easy accessible. So lots of changes in the future coming for Myslhorses and Myslk9s powered by Amaretto!

Happy Wednesday everyone!  We’ve had a few changes take place at the Ranch so I thought I would use my blog this week to remind everyone who’s who at Amaretto Ranch!


Ranch Owners/Creators of Amaretto Ranch Breedables:

Josaphine Cooperstone

Jaysin Cooperstone


The avatars that you will purchase Amaretto Ranch Breedables items from are:

JJ Cerna – Amaretto Horses

Ancient Biscuit – Amaretto K-9s

Mazelina Menna – Amaretto Barnyard Birds


The following avatars are your Amaretto Ranch Staff:


General Manager/Script Wrangler

Richie Carami


Assistant Manager

Jaymee Caproni


Executive Secretary

Dakota Delicioso


CSR/Production Designer/Web Support

Avalon Crystal


CSR/Communication Wranglers

Karrie Woyseck

Maleficent Farshore


Script Wrangler

RigelNoir Resident


Graphics Wranglers

Chronic Stoneage

Nashville Cortes


And hopefully you are all familiar with the bold text of the Group moderators who are in each of the Official Amaretto Ranch Breedables Groups to assist us in answering your questions, these avatars are:

Anaconda Carter

Diamond Holiday

Draco Carpaccio

Lisabella Lane

Marv Sideshow

Trinityskye Zarco


If you are not a member of the main Amaretto Ranch Breedables group in world, I encourage you to go to any Amaretto Ranch store and touch the group joiner board and join today! You can always find great conversation, answers to your questions and more often than not receive hugs from our resident pixie! So be sure to join today!!

Until next time, Happy Breeding everyone!

WOW!! A New Instructor at A. R. U.

If you have been taking classes at Amaretto Ranch University,you are pretty familiar with who the instructors are. Well if you missed tonights class on Beyond Second Life K-9s, you did not just miss an awesome class, you missed our new instructor Jaysin Cooperstone. A lot of people attended tonights class and Jaysin did a great job teaching tonight and he will be teaching other classes too. Come out to the classes and earn your Diploma, and Masters. Watch for the announcements for the A.R.U. Website, it will be coming soon.


Hello everyone today I would like to retouch on a topic that has been covered once before. This would be the topic of the helpful how-to videos on the website. Our talented Avalon has created a bunch of helpful how to videos that cover everything from signing up for the website  to the ticket system to even the wonderful G.P.S. tools! These videos were made to answer most questions about the topics that are covered by them.  As always if any new video ideas come up please be sure to share them you never know it may end up with a how to video!

Heres a link to the videos: enjoy

Hello everyone today i would like to retouch on a topic that has been covered once before. This would be the topic of the helpful how-to videos on the website. Our talented Avalon has created a bunch of helpful how to videos that cover everything from signing up for the website  to the ticket system to even the wonderful G.P.S. tools! These videos were made to answer most questions about the topics that are covered by them.  As always if any new video ideas come up please be sure to share them you never know it may end up with a how to video!

Heres a link to the videos: enjoy

TGIF! Watching the group the past few days have made me thankful to be a part of such a wonderful community, the Amaretto Community!  I watch each day as friends greet each other and chat cheerfully about their horses and K-9s (and even their real lives). It makes me sit back and think of all the wonderful people who have found each other via Amaretto Breedables and how truly amazing that is!

I hope everyone is loving the Spring has Sprung LE’s and SE’s…. don’t forget they are on sale until Monday! Have a great Easter weekend everyone!!

Hello everyone today I wanted to remind everyone about the upcoming Amaretto Ranch University. We have been working long and hard on the planning and development of the classes and information that will be presented through it! The courses will be covering a wide range of information to assist you the breeders in getting the most out of your pets. Remember to stay tuned to this blog and go by the stores to join the university group for announcements on when its launching and what to expect when its launched!

Also here is a picture of the University think of it as a sneak peak 🙂